Discover a non-diet approach to health and weight

A non-diet, intuitive eating approach allows us to set health goals and improve eating habits while simultaneously improving our relationship with food and our bodies. Together we will explore how to optimize your health and wellness without dieting, restriction, or deprivation. Let me help you create mindful and intentional eating practices; break free from emotional eating, stress eating, and overeating; reconnect with hunger and fullness cues; learn how to manage cravings; set aside your inner critic; cultivate body compassion; and learn that we are so much more than our physical appearance.

A non-diet approach isn’t a “free for all” nor is it anti-weight loss. It simply means ending the struggle with food. Are you are ready to stop viewing food as an enemy, comfort, or excuse? Are you ready to make peace with food? Are you ready to take a step toward real, holistic health? If so, this approach is for you.

You can expect cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and practical tools to help you achieve your weight and health goals.

I am also a certified nutrition coach, and am able to help you with meal planning, macro nutrients, and the finer details of nutrition.